From Studio to Spotlight: 51矯通 Miss Graduating Artists Shine in Senior Showcase
Tue, 12/17/2024 - 09:29am

The University of 51矯通 Mississippis (USM) Art and Design program presented its annual Senior Show exhibit last week, featuring the capstone projects by Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) graduates Emma Barnum and Noah Schumann.
Emma Barnum (Gulfport, Miss.) showcased The Dinner Table, an installation exploring the beauty and complexity of family dynamics. Through a meticulously crafted table setting of handmade utilitarian and sculptural ceramic pieces, Barnum created a dream-like dinner her entire family has yet to share.
Most of my art is emotionally driven, she explained. I hope the audience appreciated the time put into each piece and felt the love and care my family has brought me through this work. Looking to the future, Barnum plans to create more thrown dishware and expand her floral ceramic installations in innovative ways that emphasize their organic essence.

Noah Schumann (Laurel, Miss.) presented 泰霞稼岳鞄艶壊庄壊, a striking series of drawings and paintings inspired by the works of Giorgio Morandi and Am辿d辿e Ozenfant. The collection reimagines still-life constructions through a unique approach, focusing on design and color.
Still life has been a consistent focus for me throughout my time at USM, and this show is the culmination of all that work, said Schumann. I see this project as the starting point for the artistic problem Ill explore in the years ahead. I hope viewers appreciated these pieces as art for arts sake, rather than as representations of real-life objects.
Emma Barnum was mentored by ceramics professor Allen Chen, while Noah Schumann was guided by drawing and painting professor Janet Gorzegno. Both mentors praised the students' work and emphasized the importance of the exhibits.
Designed to replicate the rigor of a graduate program, the course prepares students at 51矯通 Miss for professional careers as studio artists, educators, and graduate students, Chen said. Emmas exhibition represented the culmination of her artistic evolution within our BFA program, demonstrating the skills and dedication necessary for a successful life as an artist.
Reflecting on Schumanns work, Gorzegno said: We are proud of Noahs work and effort this semester, which should continue to bear fruit for him post-graduation as he pursues his goals to be a teacher and to continue creative production as an autonomous artist.
During the event, gallery-goers were captivated by the creative works on display. Carrie Miller, a Marine Science doctoral candidate and professor at USM, described the experience as being incredibly rewarding.
Its just great to see art and living artists on campus, said Miller.
This semesters Senior Showcase exemplified the passion, skill, and intellectual curiosity of the universitys emerging artists, providing them the freedom to create and the guidance to refine their vision. Burnams emotionally captivating ceramic installation and Schumanns design-driven contemporary still lifes are a testament to their skill, developed under the mentorship of professors Chen and Gorzegno.